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Master Crafter System

                                                      Specific Master Crafter Items


1. Iron Armor - Regular Iron, Dull Copper, Shadow Iron, Copper, Bronze, Gold, Agapite, Verite, and Valorite armor.

2. Named Metal Armor - Amber Armor, Atlantis Armor, Demon Armor, Dragon Glass Armor.

3. Named Leather Armor - Dragon Turtle Armor, Nightmare Armor, Tiger Pelt Armor, Toxic Armor, White Wyrm Armor.

4. Iron Weapons - Regular Iron, Dull Copper, Shadow Iron, Copper, Bronze, Gold, Agapite, Verite, and Valorite.

6. Leather Armor - Regular Leather, Spined, Horned, Barbed

5. Crystal Weapons - Many to choose from.

6. Crystal Bows - Many to choose from.

7. Power Scrolls

8. Clothing Bless Deeds

6. Item Bless Deeds

7. Galleon Deeds - Britannia Galleon, Orchish Galleon, Tokuno Galleon, Gargoyle Galleon.


                                    Specific Skill Sets for MC Items


1. For ALL Armor and Weapons - GM Blacksmith, 95 Tailor, Tinkering, Mining, Arms Lore, Anatomy, Item ID.

2. Bow Crafting - GM Bowyer, 95 Lumberjack, Carpentry, Tinkering, Anatomy, Arms Lore, Tailor.

3. Power Scrolls - GM Scribe, 95 Magery, Alchemy, Anatomy, Forensic Eval, Eval Intelligence, Healing.

4. Clothing Bless Deeds - GM Tailor, 95 Item ID, Tinkering, Magery, Eval Intelligence, Lockpicking, Remove Trap.

5. Item Bless Deeds - GM Item ID, 95 Tailor, Eval Intelligence, Magery, Tinkering, Lockpicking, Remove Trap.

6. Galleon Deeds - GM Carpenter, 95 Blacksmith, Tinkering, Lumberjack, Tailor, Lockpicking, Remove Trap.


                                         Specific Resources Needed for MC Items


Iron Armor and Weapons -​ You will need a Smith Hammer, a Magic Scepter, and 200 of the iron ingots needed.

Leather Armor - You will need a sewing kit, a Magic Scepter, and 300 of the leather needed.

Named Metal Armor and Weapons, Named Leather Armor, Bow Crafting, Power Scrolls, Clothing Bless Deed, Item Blessed Deed, Galleon Deed - All have different resources that are needed.


                                         Master Crafter Books


Master Crafters sell these books. Each book describes exactly what resources are needed to produce your item, where to find the resource, how much resources needed, and what skills needed.


                                      Master Crafter Vendors


You can purchase MC Books, Resources, Crystals, Shells, and Heavy Metals from them. Or you can fish and hunt for them. To purchase them will not be cheap. It's free to hunt and fish for them. You make the call.

Bounty Hunters.jfif

Bounty System

Kill a Red and reap the rewards. Every time you kill a Red you will randomly get a statue. Each one is called Red Death.

These 4 below is just a few of the different statues. Good Luck....that is if you need luck.

Red Death.jpg

Minotaur's Pass

This will lead to Fire and Ice Islands, but this passage is only in Trammel and dangerous.

Valorite Market

Buy items that are not from our era, and can't be made by your crafters.


Snake's Pass Mine


Events & Special Features

1. Monster Massacre - If you die your corpse will disappear and all your belongings will be on you when you resurrect. There will be a gate by the Brit Bank...of course in Trammel. Once in there will be a wall and you can skip back and forth ( teleported ) as needed. There is a door on the opposite side of the entrance. Monsters will come pouring out. They will be easy at first and get harder and harder. Players will have to fight their way down the hall and to the back of the dungeon where there will be a champ awaiting.


2. Death Race - If you die here you will not be able to resurrect until you reach the finish unless you can get someone to stop competing and resurrect that's going to happen. Don't die! IF you die your belongings will be on you when you resurrect. You will not loose anything here. NOTE: You CANNOT win if you are dead!!!!! A track set in it's own dungeon for death and excitement thoughout the race. There are lots of traps to slow you down.


3. Monster Race - Two teams fighting the same amount of monsters through two identical dungeons. Who can kill all the monsters and pass though the exit gate first. All team mates have to be through the final gate alive, and all monsters have to be killed to win. Once all team mates are through the dungeon it will be checked, and if any monsters are left alive you forfeit the victory.


5. Free Arena - Good for practice. Everything in your pack stays in your pack, so there is nothing to loot.





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